Who we are

The mission of Pursuing Life Center is to operate as a faith-based organization that exists to provide shelter to the homeless community; and empower them to fulfill their God given potential. However, it would be impossible to really understand who we are without mentioning R41 (Right For One Ministries) located in downtown Clarksville TN.

R41 is group of believers from different churches and different denominations all coming together for the goal of loving the less fortunate. The list of services that they’ve provided have included feeding, clothing, praying for, reprimanding, celebrating birthdays, attending funerals, making hospital and jail visits, sheltering, encouraging, baptizing in the local river and watching the lives of an often, overlooked community change for the better. In short, their mission is to love.

The Pursuing Life Center is an off shoot of that ministry. We exist not only to increase the beforementioned services to the homeless community in Clarksville TN but to ultimately spread them as far as we possibly can.

Why a Homeless Shelter one might ask. It’s simple, we would like to never have to hear about anyone freezing to death again because they have nowhere to go in the winter, or to look into the eyes of a person who for the first time has to live on the street and are worried about their safety or to have to walk away from someone who just wants another person with them because they don’t want to deal with being lonely. The Pursuing Life Homeless Shelter and Restorative center exists to be the hands and feet of Jesus to the least of these just as God commanded.


The Bible

We believe the Bible is the inspired, authoritative, infallible, and credible Word of God. Its compilation is a testament to God's handiwork and wisdom. It is profitable for doctrine, reproof, correction, instruction in righteousness, and equipping believers for every good work.


We believe there is only one true God, eternally existent and revealed in three distinct persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit (the Holy Trinity). God is the uncaused first cause of everything in existence. He does not desire that anyone should perish but that all should come to repentance.


We believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, sent into the world to take away its sins. He is both fully God and fully man, conceived by the Virgin Mary, and lived a sinless life. Jesus is the Jewish Messiah prophesied in the Old Testament. He bore the punishment for our sins by dying on the cross and rose from the dead, reconciling us to God and granting us eternal life.


We believe God created all humans in His image and likeness, giving them innate value. This truth was further demonstrated when He sent His Son to die for the sins of mankind. Although man was initially created good, he willfully sinned against God, allowing sin and death to enter the world. This sin separated man from God and His purpose for their lives. It is because of this separation that Jesus Christ came into the world as Savior.


We believe that salvation comes when someone truly repents of their sins, believes in, and accepts Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Through His sacrifice, the penalty for sin is paid, and Christ’s righteousness is imputed to the believer, restoring them to a right relationship with God.

The Holy Spirit

We believe the Holy Spirit is God, represented as the third person of the Holy Trinity. He was sent to be a teacher, comforter, and guide for believers, enabling them to live holy lives pleasing to God.


We believe repentance is a requirement for salvation. It involves turning away from sin and placing one’s trust in God.


We believe that when a person dies, their soul continues to exist. It will either be with God in heaven for eternal life or apart from Him in hell for eternal damnation. The eternal destiny of the soul depends on how one responds to God's saving grace through Jesus Christ while on earth.

God’s Love

We believe that God is love. He demonstrated His love for us in that, while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. God calls us to love one another in the same way. Although He does not approve of everything we do, He loves us unconditionally and patiently guides us toward maturity in Christ.

Baptism and Communion

We believe in water baptism by immersion as a public declaration of new life in Christ. We also believe in the observance of the Lord's Supper as a commemoration of His sacrifice.


john carter

John Despain

Jocelyn Carter

Deron taylor

Josh Brimmer

Let’s Begin